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Process360 Live

Process360 Live

Hva er Process360 Live?

iGrafx, en leder innen intelligent prosessadministrasjon, gjør det mulig for verdens største virksomheter å gjøre prosessen til en fordel. iGrafx Process360 Live fanger opp og kobler kritisk forretningsdrift for detaljert prosessgruvedrift, analyse, modellering og optimalisering. Med iGrafx knytter bedrifter sammen delene i denne innsatsen for å levere resultater, forbedringer og øke avkastningen på investeringen. Finn ut mer ved å besøke XX.

Hvem benytter Process360 Live?

For å drive frem god drift i hele organisasjonen, veilede prosessforbedringsprosjekter for å redusere kostnader, kompleksitet, øke produktiviteten og forbedre kundeopplevelsen, trenger du iGrafx.

Process360 Live-programvare – 1
Process360 Live-programvare – 2
Process360 Live-programvare – 3
Process360 Live-programvare – 4
Process360 Live-programvare – 5

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Process360 Live

Process360 Live

4,7 (36)
Fant ingen priser
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4,5 (36)
4,4 (36)
4,6 (36)
Lett å bruke
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1 700,00 USD
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4,6 (95)
4,7 (95)
4,7 (95)
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Andre gode alternativer til Process360 Live

Funksjoner med best vurdering
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Konfigurerbar arbeidsflyt
Oppretting av dashbord
Splunk Enterprise
Funksjoner med best vurdering
Funksjoner med best vurdering
Funksjoner med best vurdering
360-graders tilbakemeldinger
Funksjoner med best vurdering
(CAPA) Korrigerende og forebyggende tiltak

Anmeldelser av Process360 Live

Gjennomsnittlig score

Lett å bruke
Verdi for pengene

Anmeldelser etter størrelsen på bedriften (antall ansatte)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Finn anmeldelser etter vurdering

Senior Manager i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Kringkasting, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Tool that grows with your organization

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Great partnership to help us be successful.


This tool grows with your process maturity, yet is very easy to use from the beginning to help gain adoption. More flexible than other BPMN tools to create your diagrams.


It would be helpful if there was better integration between the desktop and web versions of the software.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Kelly - Thank You so much for the great review and for your support of iGrafx. You will be happy to know that v17.5 (releasing on Jan 2) will provide even greater integration between the client and web.

Senior Consultant i India
Bedriftsrådgivning, 201–500 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 6–12 måneder

iGrafx is the face of business process transformation for enduring value which lasts forever !

5,0 for 3 år siden

Kommentarer: iGrafx is one of the most suitable and ideal solution for increasing efficiency of business processes and enable strengthened business process management through bringing in process enhancement and quality assurance. It is strongly connected to RPA and Six Sigma and Lean model to extract business efficiency to most desired level.
It is one of the most convenient and remarkable solution which is widely known in the market and have more good feedbacks already recorded.


Business process transformation for creating sustainable values for users and other involved stakeholders. Long term business advantage and sustainability is gained. Detailed process analysis and robust optimization of business resources. Improved business performance and strengthened productivity. Bringing efficiency and compliance in business process through inclusion of RPA and Six sigma etc. iGrafx brings process agility and helps in bringing the expense to lowest by increasing the productive outcome. Overall process efficiency enhancement through increased ROI


We need more customized features and process modules which can fit perfectly with our aligned business objective and goal. The costing/pricing model should be based on SaaS and PaaS mode only

Managing Partner i Canada
Olje og energi, 2–10 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Great flowcharting software

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: I mostly use igrafx for business process modelling. For that it's very good and it's quick to develop a workflow chart.


I like the functionality, good graphics and easy to develop relatively simple diagrams - especially for business process modelling.


The symbol library is pretty limited, e.g. hard to find right symbols for electrical diagrams. Process modeling is fairly complex and the help features are a bit limited.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 5 år siden

Thank You George for your review. We heard you and are consistently looking for ways to improve our help files and tutorials. The latest release of iGrafx contains more detail and useful videos that provide instruction on some of the more widely used functions of iGrafx. Additionally, soon we will be releasing a new virtual training system to allow users to take courses on-demand. Thank you for your continued use and support of iGrafx.

Managing Director i Frankrike
Investeringsbanktjenester, 2–10 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

iGrafx is great for meeting the requirements of the regulation standarts

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: iGrafx works great for us to meet regulatory compliance requirements with their great software and the great support team with an extensive knowledge on the features and capabilities of their product.


iGrafx provides us end to end solution infrastructure for in-company cloud deployment, risk and standards compliance in a scalable way. Their support team is maybe not fast to response but when they return they are extremely professional in their approaches to problem solution with a great expertise on the features of the product.


Support team is not fast to response to the problems that we are reporting them. Their knowledgebase which is present in their website should be improved with video tutorials. Shape and icon library, process maps visuals should be improved and local to cloud synchronization performance should be improved.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 4 år siden

Thank you Nicolas for your support and use of iGrafx. We also appreciate your candor about support response times. Support of our customers is something we definitely take very seriously and will look into.

Production Manager i USA
Matproduksjon, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

iGrafx Process for Six Sigma

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: I've enjoyed the software and have had an overall positive experience with it. I use it when performing or training to RCAs, I use it to develop SOPs or work instructions.


I like the ability to turn a process map into an actual simulation.


There is a lack of good training on simulation. I took the training you provide, but there was not enough "meat" to the training. I tried to perform, what I thought was a simple simulation after the training and couldn't do it. I really need to find some good training for this, to get the full value out of this software. The library of shapes and icons is lacking. Several people within our company prefer Visio for presentation value it provides and for less experienced users, they find it easier to use.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 5 år siden

Thank you Kurt for your review and honest feedback. We are sorry to hear that you did not get what was needed from your training. We would like very much to chat with you about defining a training session that is specific to the needs of your organization. Please contact us: http://ow.ly/q01p50z12JD

Chief Information Officer i Østerrike
Markedsføring og reklame, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

iGrafx helps us to meet the requirements of various regulations

5,0 for 4 år siden


We use iGrafx to decrease the cost per process, increase the process efficiency, reduce the complex processes to straightforward levels and model the business processes in a simple way.


Great experience so far, nothing to mention as negative. Absolutely impressive features.

President i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Bilindustri, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Best Support for Implementation of Process-Based Management

5,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: 4aBetterBusiness has used iGrafx to achieve transformational results with clients, with payback in months. iGrafx has always been at the forefront of introducing useful functionality that is easy to use.


Ease of use, focus on features and function that enable businesses to work better


We have had no issues with the installation or use of the software

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Paul Thank You for your continued use and support of iGrafx.

IT Technical Recruiter i India
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, 201–500 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 6–12 måneder

iGrafx is easy to use and great tool for documentation.

5,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: IGrafx excellent product has help our organization to build many models of the organisation quickly and effectively.The Product is simple and easy to use and it enables a wide variety of model types.


IGrafx is excellent product has help us to build many models of our organizations projects like SAP and Six sigma.


It lacks sometime in basic elements structure

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Thank You Rohit for your review and continued use of iGrafx. We would be curious to speak to you about the element structure you mention.

Verifisert anmelder
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Administrativt kontor, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Tool of Choice

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: It was easy to get started. Even if not using the app for a stretch of time I was able to pick up where I left off with little effort.


This software was very easy to use right out of the box. Was able to quickly utilize the functions that I required with minimal effort.


Customizing my favorites. The small icons related to the action in most cases not intuitive.

Mgr, IT Projects & Quality Assurance i USA
Olje og energi, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Easy sales process and price is excellent

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Excellent company to work with.


The software was easy to implement, learn and use.


Still trying to figure out how to effectively use the shapes library and toolbar.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Hey Brian Thanks for the great review. We would be happy to set up some time with you for a review of the shape library and toolbar. Just let us know.

Process Improvement Manager i USA
Forsikring, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Incredible Process Documentation & Simulation Software

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: My iGrafx experience goes back 10 years with former employer. 50+ people in BPM team documenting processes. When I left to come to my current employer (less than 800 employees) with the task to create a BPM team from the ground up, iGrafx was a MUST HAVE/DEAL BREAKER request for me to be successful with my job. The iGrafx team was and continues to be supportive of requests for information, quotes, training, issues encountered, etc. Would highly recommend iGrafx....


iGrafx software is very easy to learn and leverage for a variety of process documentation exercises. Extremely flexibility to make changes to process designs. Simulation software (Process) will provide much sought after information from which executive can make more informed decisions.


Expense required to obtain the iGrafx platform to store and version control processes. Newest Platform design includes incredible functionality that a small business with 2-4 people documenting processes would NEVER be able to utilize, yet price is way out of our price-range leaving us without a process storage solution.

Sr Business Analyst i USA
Offentlig administrasjon, 5 001–10 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Requirement Elicitation - superb

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: iGrafx helps me get a diverse team to focus on what the true business problem is that needs to be solved / documented so that new features can be implemented, or changes fully understood. Often I am in a meeting to help identify reporting needs, and hear new requirements or notice the business team is stalled while systems is going full-steam-ahead. I will use iGrafx to better define the business need - which helps business articulate their needs and system to modify what they planned to deliver to better meet business needs.
There have been multiple occasions (and I expect many more in the future) where system uses the iGrafx process model as their primary business requirements guide.


Ease of documenting requirements and gaining consensus from all participants, regardless of background - from C-suite to data entry clerk. I use iGrafx as a business process modeling tool - and am able to, in real time, capture a business process (e.g., financial, call center, back-end-system processing, etc) while the team describes what they do. The ability to add swimlanes, comments and descriptive decision diamonds keeps my team engaged during the requirement gathering process. Many times I am able to get the process and requirements approved before the meeting is over, eliminating the need to have the team review and approve off-line, speeding up the requirements process.


I solely use the business processing component - and cannot comment on other features.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 4 år siden

Thank you for review and support of iGrafx

Process Architect i USA
Forsikring, 1 001–5 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

CSAA Business Process Modeling using iGrafx Cloud

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: My personal experience has been fantastic. I love the features and product support. For my company, the experience has been very positive.


1). Simple for Web Diagrammers to create process diagrams. 2). The ability to associate Systems, Teams, Roles, Capabilities, Requirements, Risks/Controls and other processes to establish a total perspective of a process that goes well beyond a mere process diagram.


1). The cloud version could use built-in metrics for cycle time, defects, etc. to enable process improvement. These metrics are available as custom properties, but should be a part of the measurement scheme directly. 2). Reporting via IQL is clunky. It would be great if users had a GUI that allowed them to create reports more simply. 3). Could use a VSM template for the Cloud product 4). Could use a license that is a cross between Architect and Web Diagrammer that allows limited Architect capability such as adding process objects and content.

Sox Auditor i USA
Økonomiske tjenester, 1 001–5 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

iGrafx Review

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: I have had a great experience with iGrafx. Everyone I have communicated with from the company has been extremely helpful.


1. It is easy to create flowcharts 2. There is flexibility with how to document your processes 3. The repository can store flowcharts and documents 4. There is an approval process in place 5. Document Risk and Controls


Some of the functions are not intuitive and extra guidance is needed. Currently you need to purchase consulting hours to get help. It would be nice to have more complex tutorials and how to's available for free online. Or allow the help desk to answer more complex questions.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Thank you Lindsay for this kind review. You will be happy to know that we are currently working on an enhanced customer support portal for training and support.

Principal Director i USA
Informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Process for Six Sigma is great

5,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Process for Six Sigma is a great piece of software that is fairly intuitive to learn. The learning curve is not steep yet the product is quite powerful. It is clearly a mature product because I could not think of a process scenario that would not be able to be configured in the product. The ability to define variables within the software allowed me to customize it to exactly suit my use-case with specific clients. The on-screen simulation execution is an impressive thing to show to clients.


The ability to support what-if analysis of potential process changes. Design of experiments functionality also enabled us to quickly optimize processes.


The software is great. As a consulting firm, annual product licensing can be a challenge because if I am not staffed on a project when the product is up for renewal, I don't have a way to expense the cost and the license lapses.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Hello Patrick We really appreciate you taking the time to leave these nice expressions and for your support of iGrafx. It may be of interest to you that we now offer a subscription based model that may help with license expiration you mentioned. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Process Consultant i Tyskland
Utdanningsadministrasjon, 5 001–10 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Very easy to use and incredibly intuitive for a BPM Software

5,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: My organization could easily provide a whole process landscape to all relevant people by using the online platform and the reporting. We soon also plan to use the Human Workflow component to make it easier for people to work in a process and provide all relevant information in standardized forms.


The easy-to-use user interface and the possibility to easily capture new processes. The object framework is very smart and really allows to display all relevant information for one process in one place. The reporting capabilities are so easy to customize and just display everything you need to all relevant people by providing an easy web-based access. If you want to improve a process, the simulation of iGrafx is very powerful and really helps you to test your what-if scenarios.


There's not that much but some minor tweaks around the conversion from older to newer versions (Desktop clients) but that's addressed soon as far as I'm aware of.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 6 år siden

Thank You Katharina for the wonderful review and for your support and use of iGrafx.

Human Resources Unit Manager i Tyrkia
Forsvar og romfart, 201–500 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 6–12 måneder

Quality Product

4,0 for 2 år siden


my overall experience has been positive because there are producers who care about user comments and are open to self-improvement.


I have been using it for close to 1 year and I have not had a bad experience, it has a structure that works with an extremely target-result relationship.

Employee i Mexico
Forbrukervarer, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

iGrafx a great tool for business

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: I really like this software, I like the way that you can use it, but you need to know how to use it.


When i used this software, the tools, the functions and the differents elements in this software were really useful for me, i really like the differents tools that this software have, because they are really useful in the work and the differents ways that you can use them it's really comfortable.


When you know or learn how to use this software it's really comfortable, but when you are a new user, it's difficult to understand whole the functions and the tools that this software provide us.

Verifisert anmelder
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Bankvirksomhet, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Wonderful software and stellar customer service

5,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Wonderful experience from contract to implementation. Great customer support and wonderful product.


Ease of use, ability for process models to be more dynamic based on the information you can capture.


When more users join the performance is impacted.

Student i USA
Høyere utdanning, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Amazing workflow diagrams!

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Great experience in creating models and diagrams to organize my projects.


As a student, I have been using IGrafx for a couple of years now. It makes creating diagrams and flow charts easy and clear to understand. The software helps me to organize my ideas and thoughts rspecially when I am working on my big school projects. Working with IGrafx is very easy and editing charts is straight forward. The app offers great variety of features and functionality.


One things that i don't like mainly is when I am moving the flow charts it accidentally move the connecting lines within them which can cause some confusions.

Enterprise Architect i USA
Offentlig administrasjon, 1 001–5 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Basic stuff is easy to do in this app

4,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: Due to the less than straightforward UX for the advanced features, we have mostly used this for basic process diagramming. For that this is great but that is not the full value of the product.


Basic process diagramming (swim lanes) is relatively straightforward. Its easy enough to create and update these during team meetings.


The more advanced stuff like shapes, phases, export etc is not that straightforward and requires training on the tool.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 5 år siden

Thank you Adesh for your review and thank you for your continued support. We would love to chat with you further regarding the more advanced features you speak of and how we can help with tutorials or training. Please contact us: http://ow.ly/zj7P50z13va

Operation Analyst i USA
Forsikring, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år


4,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: It has been helpful with documenting the process flows


Flexible, Easy to use and integration with other apps


Sometimes slow with lot of process flow in the folder

Svar fra iGrafx

for 5 år siden

Thank You Vinay for your continued support and use of iGrafx

Lead Solution Consultant i USA
Helse, velvære og trening, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Ease of Use

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: I have used it for over 20 years and still love it. I am frustrated when forced to use other tools.


It is intuitive in using the graphics. It is full-featured, supporting all aspects of business design.


It doesn't have the market share it deserves.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 4 år siden

Thank you for your review and continuous dedicated support of iGrafx.

Offentlig administrasjon, 1 001–5 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

iGrafx Review - Govt User

5,0 for 5 år siden


Software is very intuitive to use and meets many needs within the one application. It is a great value for the amount of functionality we gain.


The repository use can be a bit clunky on occasion.

Svar fra iGrafx

for 5 år siden

Thank You Delisa for your kind review and continued support.

Business Partner i USA
Informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Process for SS

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall great tool


comprehensive modeling and analysis tool to drive insights into process opportunities


Like just about all of it, but can't afford to put it in the hands of everyone. Like my MiniTab subscription floating licenses allows for all to use and check in and out. So few licenses covers multiple teams.