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Hva er Nutrium?
Ernæringsprogramvare brukt av ernæringsfysiologer i deres daglige arbeid for å administrere kartlegging og oppfølging av klienter på ett enkelt sted, sikkert og tilgjengelig hvor som helst. Ernæringsspesialister kan gjøre en komplett ernæringsvurdering av kunder, analysere kosthold, lage personlige måltidsplaner med oppskrifter og forbedre kundens etterlevelse av anbefalingene med en mobilapp.
Hvem benytter Nutrium?
Helsepersonell med ekspertise innen ernæring og rådgivning.
Er du usikker på Nutrium?
Sammenlign med et populært alternativ
Anmeldelser av Nutrium
A dependable nutrition monitoring and reporting tool.
Kommentarer: I have benefited from Nutrium by using it's meals section to analyze food entries which give a clearer picture of the client's nutrient intake. This has enabled me to make informed decisions on diet changes in a very personalized way.
I am very appreciative of the fact that Nutrium has made my consultation reporting and data collection very manageable. The platform is very well organized, dividing it into seven major tabs that cater to all the major assessment, diagnosis and intervention needs during a consult.
With this platform, it can be quite difficult to track and compare previous lab findings on markers like iron levels which are very important.
An all in software that has made managing my client-patients so much easier
Kommentarer: I initially was looking for a new software to design and manage the nutrition planning segment of my practice but it ended up being my patient management software as well. And it has only gotten better. The software has transformed from a patient management, nutrition software to a wellness management software. Which is absolutely PERFECT for my practice. I have been able to slowly eliminate the need for other software tools thus reducing my operating costs. Finally, I love the fact that the developers and support team welcome user feedback to help make the system better.
It is very robust and all encompassing. I can manage my client-patients records as well as design nutrition programs. And the client facing app makes it easier to support my client-patient base. Makes it so much more attractive for my practice.
There isn't anything I like the least or at all because they are forever making additions and improvements.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Kurt, Thank you so much for your feedback. We hope to continue growing and providing the best software solution for your business.
Uses for menu planning and nutrition counseling
Kommentarer: Overall I like the software, but wouldn't have purchased if I knew it wouldn’t work the way I needed it to. It does help keep track of clients and their profess, which has helped me in my practice enormously. As a registered dietitian, I think I need more than this software offers.
I love the planning feature! Gives you appropriate kcals. I love how easy it is to use and how you are easily able to send meal plans directly to the client. I like that it has an app, though it never quite worked correctly. The ability to leave notes about the patients is also super helpful-it keeps you on track for running you appts. The customer service is also top notch.
The software is missing a major feature- kcals/macros displayed on the menu for the client. It shows when you are making the menu, but not when you send it. This is a major flaw in my opinion and the reason I rated it lower. I’d were supposed to be teaching our patients about proper nutrition, this is a crucial feature that is missing. Clients have no clue what there kcals level is for each meal nor the macros of each meal .there is a spot you can peton of the menu analysis, which doesn’t give the numbers but only the kcals and macros for the day. Then you have to save it and send it which is time consuming. Super disappointing especially since I function is there, but doesn’t display. It also downs keep track of how many appts your clients has had.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
\Hi Anjee, Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm sorry that Nutrium does not meet all your needs. We've made sure to let our team know your suggestions. At the moment Nutrium offers an alternative which is: - you can provide the client with the nutritional analysis of the meal plan in PDF format: - if your clients use the Android mobile app, they can see the calories and macronutrient distribution of that meal plan: - New: you can also check the nutritional information of the clients' food diaries from which you can send the feedback by message in the mobile app.
Nutrition Software Actually Designed for Nutrition & Dietetics Professionals!
Kommentarer: Excellent! And Nutrium is beneficial for my clients - they all love the reports that I can generate and the app!
Nutrium is easy to use and I love the client flow. It is designed very well to meet the needs of nutrition and dietetics professionals
I need to be able to have forms completed by clients securely and electronically. I currently use Nutrium with Healthie to meet my needs.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hi Beth! Thank you so much for your feedback. We are happy to announce that we launched Nutrition Assessment Forms in Nutirum, and you can now send it to your clients prior to the appointment, and gather all the necessary information to prepare in advance. Thank you for choosing Nutrium as your teammate, we will continue to improve, specially our telehealth features.
The best on the market
The best on the market Because it has a very aesthetic lay out with the high ease of use. It also allows me to keep all my information about my clients in an orderly manner. Lastly the customer service is the best of any company I’ve worked with
I wish it paired with my fitness pal and acuity scheduling. I also wish there was a better way to view each visit within each client file
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Jayme Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to let our developers know about your suggestions. Nutirum has now available an online booking feature where clients can self-book with you online.
Best App to Manage your Nutrition Practice
Kommentarer: Overall experience was a solid A. The only reason Im not using at this moment is because I wanted to try an app that had personal training features. This is by far one of the best for nutrition
The wide variety of features for communication and client follow-up.
The look of the app is kind of dull and it was a little difficult getting clients set up.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hi Latoya! Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll let our team of developers know your suggestions to improve the experience on the mobile app.
Good product, could be improved with modifications
Here are some additional observations as emailed to me by a client of mine:
I've found it annoying in that adding meals really isn't intuitive or easy. Its a lot of steps to add one food item. It makes it time consuming and not easy to use at all.
"A couple things I've noticed already, some food are not there, like vega protein, strawberries (maybe I'm doing something wrong?). Some other foods only give you the option to add it in grams. I tend to not measure my foods in grams. I had two tbsp of chia this morning. I had no idea what that is in grams. I went back and weighted out 2 tbsp on my kitchen scale this morning. But this is what makes it challenging. I've also noticed that if you make a comment and then add another food option the comment gets deleted and you need to retype it."
She did however like the prompts from the app to hydrate frequently.
Easy to use for meal plan creation Nice pdf produced in deliverables Easy to calculate nutrient needs
Software seems to have been created around producing meal plans. As such, it is great if this is why you are using it. However, it lacks functionality for follow-up charting and it is more cumbersome to use if you are seeing a client who does not want a meal plan. For follow-up notes- please create a separate tab. The current "Follow-Up" tab seems to be more for interactions with the client. I need a spot to easily chart. A separate spot- i.e. not in observations. It would be great if the user could add tabs as needed i.e. Follow-up #1, Follow-up #2 etc.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Ashley, Thank you so much for your feedback. I've already reported what you mentioned to our developers. We hope to continue working into making Nutrium less time consuming when it comes to charting. We've also adapted the software so it is more suitable for practice management such as online self-booking,
All in one solution
Kommentarer: Being able to get rid of the printed paperwork that I have with questions that are already on Nutrium. Being able to work on my clients anywhere in the world, since I don't have to carry all my files with client information around with me.
That it combines both the administrative side of the business, as well as the operational side of it in one software and interface.
Small things that I think will really add value to the software from a flexibility point of view: - Being able to edit the days on meal plans to say Day 1 etc as oppose to Monday etc. - The ability to add "Notes" to meals for example instructions on blending ingredients listed into a smoothie etc. - An automatically generated shopping list. - The option of customizing the questions asked to clients to add your own questions
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Sondra! Thank you so much for your review. We've let our development team know your recommendations. One good alternative for adding instructions to meals can be creating them as recipes, and the client can access them on the app or the printed meal plan, or alternatively, add a 0 calorie food (for example, a glass of water, or adding a blank food by yourself) and then add them to the meal plan. You can then edit the name of that food.
nutrition online
Online platform dedicated to the use of the professional nutritionist. It is a good platform, but very similar to others in the market, however a differentiator is the mobile mobile platform for customers, helps loyalty.
Price is the main downside and makes the choice of other programs.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Isadora, Thank you so much for your feedback. We hope to continue improving our mobile client app to increase client compliance.
Easy Use. Nice Features.
It is well constructed and you can see your progress without problems. Overall the UI is pretty nice and eye-catching, you do not need to look around much to find and enter your data.
It would have to be the price, is a little high per month for this kind of app.
Preparador Físico Alto Rendimiento
Kommentarer: La experiencia es muy buena, espero q continue mejorando con el tiempo
Tiene una interfase muy sencilla de utilizar, puedes optar por usar planes en pdf o desde la app y si el px usa la app, tenemos mejor monitor de su comportamiento.
Que en la app, cuando el px cambia de alimento manualmente, él no puede ver si el cambio q esta haciendo cumple con lo que requiere el plan. Ignora si se ha pasado de macro nutrientes o le faltan.
Demasiado caro para lo que realmente llegas a darle uso
Kommentarer: Bastante pésima para el precio que pagas, sinceramente. No tiene una base de datos enorme como puede tener MyFitnessPal, aquí tienes que andar metiendo tu todos los productos en concreto, de todos los supermercados, lo cual es muy importante porque si compra en Mercadona de al lado de casa no le vas a mandar comprar en el Carrefour que le queda a 5km de casa... La app como comentaba es bastante inútil porque de todos mis clientes de varias edades solo una persona la estaba utilizando...
La atención al cliente y la interfaz, así como la base de datos.
Deberían tener una opción de pago mucho más reducida, solo para utilizar el software y sin accesos ala app, para los que no la vamos a utilizar con los clientes... Hablándolo con unos compañeros de profesión que lo han utilizado han llegado a la misma conclusión, las Apps de estas cosas están bien pero los clientes quieren su plan, su guía y llegar a su objetivo, no tienen tiempo que perder con una app que por más bonito que parezca, es lo mismo que tener el plan en PDF. Luego tiene errores de cambio por defecto cuando cambias el nombre de un alimento y se te pone por defecto el de la base de datos, estimación de calorías incorrecta...
Kommentarer: Boa
A praticidade no contato paciente - nutricionista
A ausência de mais informações nos bancos de dados
Avis à propos de Nutrium
Kommentarer: Dans l'ensemble, une bonne expérience parce que le logiciel est très pratique et permet d'enregistrer une base de patient. Mais depuis l'observation de quelques erreurs au niveau de l'analyse nutritionnelle, je suis réticent à son utilisation. En tant que jeune diplômé et débutant dans la profession, le coût d'utilisation du logiciel n'est pas non plus négligeable. Je pense devoir arrêter de l'utiliser dans les mois qui suivent si je n'arrive pas à consulter plus de patients.
J'aime beaucoup la possibilité de pouvoir créer des listes d'aliments qui sont équivalents, des menus, des recettes et obtenir le détail au niveau des apports en macro et micronutriments. Le recueil de données est également intéressant, cela permet de constituer des fiches patients de qualité. Il est intéressant également de pouvoir donner un menu à suivre à notre patient et de suivre en direct le respect ou non de ce menu.
Il y a plusieurs choses que je n'aime pas sur le logiciel ou des choses qu'il manque à mon sens : 1. Un patient peut rentrer dans le logiciel ce qu'il mange mais il est très dommage de ne pas obtenir l'analyse nutritionnelle de cela. Nous savons seulement s'il a suivi ou non notre menu. Avoir l'analyse nutritionnelle de ce qu'il a mangé permettrait de corriger sur le menu suivant les apports en nutriments. Cela permettrait également de connaitre les apports énergétiques sur le long terme de notre patient et de le situer sur la balance énergétique des apports et dépenses. 2. L'extraction des données n'est pas facilitée ce qui est dommage également, je me déplace souvent chez mes patients pour consulter à l'extérieur et de ce fait je n'utilise pas le logiciel car il oblige une connexion internet. Il n'est donc pas possible de ressortir en déplacement les informations de nos patients et cela limite donc mon utilisation du site car pour de nombreux patients, je préfère réaliser des fiches patients à la main car je sais que je pourrais ensuite les transporter. Si l'exportation sous format PDF était facilité, je rentrerai tous mes patients dans la base de données. 3. Dans l'analyse nutritionnelle des repas, il existe certaines erreurs. Parfois la base de données CIQUAL ne donne pas l'apport énergétique en Kcal de l'aliment et malgré un apport en glucides, lipides et protéines, le logiciel ne le répercute donc pas ce qui donne des erreurs dans l'estimation calorique.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Bonjour Martin, Nous vous remercions pour votre avis. Ces informations seront transmises a notre equipe. Nous avons deja lance de nouvelles fonctionnalites qui vous permettent de consulter l'information nutritionnelle du journal alimentaire enregistre par le patient sur l'application mobile. (Vous pouvez en savoir plus ici : https://blog.nutrium.io/fr/analyse-nutritionnelle-ingesta-patients/) Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas modifier l'information des tables de composition d'aliments que nous ajoutons au logiciel, y compris celle du CIQUAL. Sachez que vous pouvez dupliquer un aliment et ajouter sa valeur energetique ou encore utiliser un aliment d'une autre table de composition (nous en avons 15 autres disponibles). En ce qui concerne l'extraction des informations du patient, cela est possible au format csv., mais nous allons verifier avec notre equipe d'ingenieurs d'autres possibilites. Cordialement, L'equipe Nutrium
De los mejores que he utilizado
Tiene una interfaz muy amigable que te permite una utilización sencilla desde el primer momento.
La aplicación es difícil de utilizar para los clientes de mayor edad.
Muy buen Software
Kommentarer: Cuando necesito cuadrar nutrientes y calorías lo más exacto posible: deportistas, dietas por contaje calórico, variación en % de macros es una herramienta muy útil.
Facilidad de uso, la opción de añadir recetas y suplementos que no están en la base de datos, la opción de mensajería instantánea, la ayuda inmediata de sus empleados...
Hacerlo con más opciones para nutrición deportiva: comidas intra entrenamiento (hay pre y post), incluir la opción de calcular el somatotipo... Faltas de ortografía en algunas recetas o palabras.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hola Jesus. Muchas gracias por tus comentarios. Estamos siempre adicionando productos comerciales nuevos y actualizando las bases de datos del software para poder cumplir las necesidades y exigencias de todas las areas de la nutricion. Nos encargaremos de pasar estas sugerencias a nuestro equipo de desarrolladores.
Estoy muy contento con todo lo que me proporciona la plataforma aunque yo podría algunas cositas mas para caracterizar más al modelo para utilización en España 🇪🇸.
No poder tener idea de todas las dietas que ya he enviado a mis clientes, me gustaría tener el control de todos los planes de alimentación que hice y voy haciendo a cada cliente ☺️😊
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hola Joseph. Muchas gracias por tus comentarios. Nos encargaremos de pasar estas sugerencias de mejora a nuestro equipo de desarrolladores.
Great tool if in the right country
Planning tools , nutritional breakdowns , patient interface and app availability.
Does not have preloaded Australian and New Zealand dietary Guidelines values that are preloaded do not match the country that I work in meaning I have to manually enter my values. Foods that are loaded into system again do not match the country that I work in. Also can not make multiple week menu plans that the client can access , week plan must be constantly updated
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Stacey, Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to make our team know your suggestions. We hope to continue working into making Nutrium a more suitable platform for Australian Professionals, by including the Australian and New Zealand Dietary Guidelines as well as the food composition database. At the moment you can create multiple week meal plans by scheduling the importation of meal plans templates into the client profile. That way they can get the new update each week on their mobile app.
Great team
From the very first time I loved the team behind the software. There are so many options in the market , but this software is right on point. Good organisation, nice colours and lot of abilities
Not so user friendly both for the admin and the user, also needs to synchronise all the app with iOS devices and iCal
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hi Maria, thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to let the team know your suggestions and we keep working on making Nutrium more user friendly for all. Thank you for choosing Nutrium as your teammate.
Excellent app, hoping for more updates
Kommentarer: Good updates so far, hoping to see more. Great customer service.
The recipe builder. USDA data import function is fast and easy. Am able to use various measurement options (volume, mass, qty) and all the options included in the USDA database.
Lack of sports nutrition features such as renaming of the days, re-ordering of ingredients and foods, and changing macro numbers for various days vs all of them having the same macro ratios.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Monika, Thank you so much for your feedback. We've started to adapt Nutrium to sports nutrition counseling and now it is possible to calculate different nutritional needs during training days and rest days and create meal plans accordingly. We'll let our team know about your suggestions.
Kommentarer: I follow the nutrition plans for the performance of my students here, it makes my job easier
The interface appearance is great. Software like Nutrium is passable; it's simple to use. The sections are reasonably detailed and arranged.
The user is unaware of the kcal and macronutrient content of each dish. I wish there was a way to create a favorite food list and price is the main downside
Some things are clunky to use
Kommentarer: It's alright, could do with some improvement and I am happy to talk with someone about this on a zoom call as I can't think of everything off the top of my head, but am happy to have a run through and talk with someone from Nutrium.
The interface appearance is great. Sometimes, I'd like to scroll and see my clients notes on each session, and feel viewing and figuring out how to make my notes from sessions quite clunky. Some of the features are not 100% user friendly although are on their way to be.
to be able to nutritionally analyse client food diary, only meal plans. if not, then this is not obvious and quite frustrating to figure out.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 3 år siden
Hi Monica! Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to let our developers know about your suggestions. We are in close contact with several nutrition professionals to gather feedback that helps us improve every day, so changes will continue to happen - we hope these improvements will be helpful for you as well. We will continue working on our software to always provide all the essential tools for nutrition professionals.
Easy to use, good for those starting out in private practice
Kommentarer: I use this a lot for recipe development, as I host monthly cooking classes. I use it also for clients and tracking, but not as much. If there were a payment feature, that would be ideal.
It’s basic and easy to use. I like the scheduling detail for clients.
There is no option to rearrange ingredients in the recipes, or add in an ingredient anywhere else than at the bottom of the list. There is no way to take payment for services rendered, which would make the software much more ideal for private practice.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Stephanie, Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to let our team know about your suggestions.
Nutrium Makes My Practice Easier
Kommentarer: I have been pleased with the service and support from the Nutrium staff.
I like having all the tools I need to determine energy needs, body composition and dietary management all in one tool. Being able to schedule clients, directly input information during an interview or counseling session, and do my documentation in one place is great. I like the capability of uploading documents that I receive from clients.
I wish I were able to calculate the nutrient intake of clients by having them enter their diet records into an app.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Susan, Thank you so much for your feedback. We've taken your suggestions to our developers' team. Nutrium now allows you to see the nutritional information of your clients' food diaries. You can ask them to register the meals they've eaten, and you can check calories and macronutrient distribution directly on the software.
Full featured, easy to use product!
Kommentarer: I use Nutrium for logging patient information and creating meal plans. Nutrium has cut my work time down by at least 75% per patient.
Nutrium is very easy to learn and use. The interface is pleasant and simply navigated. Logging data is simple and meal planning is a breeze!
If there was a way to create a favorite food list, Nutrium would be almost perfect. Oh, and I’m not a big fan of the shade of green.
Svar fra Nutrium
for 5 år siden
Hi Wiley, Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll make sure to let our team know your suggestions. At the moment, when you start using food products more regularly, Nutrium starts to suggest them at the top.