17 års erfaring med å hjelpe bedrifter
velge bedre programvare

Hva er LiveAgent?

LiveAgent er en fullverdig hjelpesenterprogramvare som lar deg skreddersy kundeinteraksjonene dine. Den kombinerer alle dine kommunikasjonskanalers e-post, livechat, samtaler og sosiale medier i en delt bedriftsinnboks, og gir en alt-i-ett-løsning for hjelpesenter. Bli med selskaper som BMW, Yamaha og Huawei i å gi kundeservice i verdensklasse.

Hvem benytter LiveAgent?

Et bredt utvalg av små og mellomstore bedrifter innen e-handel, Telco, forsikring, SaaS og oppstartsbedrifter bruker LiveAgent. Målkunden er alle som forstår hvor viktig det er å gi god kundeservice.

Hvor kan LiveAgent benyttes?


Om leverandøren

  • QualityUnit
  • Grunnlagt i 2004

Support for LiveAgent

  • Telefonstøtte
  • Døgnet rundt
  • Chat

Tilgjengelige land

Afghanistan, Albania, Algerie, Amerikansk Samoa, Andorra og 219 andre


arabisk, dansk, engelsk, estisk, finsk og 23 andre

Priser for LiveAgent


15,00 USD/måned
  • Ja, har gratis prøveperiode
  • Ingen gratisversjon

LiveAgent har ikke gratisversjon, men tilbyr en gratis prøveperiode. Betalt versjon av LiveAgent starter på 15,00 USD/måned.

Priser få en gratis prøveperiode

Om leverandøren

  • QualityUnit
  • Grunnlagt i 2004

Support for LiveAgent

  • Telefonstøtte
  • Døgnet rundt
  • Chat

Tilgjengelige land

Afghanistan, Albania, Algerie, Amerikansk Samoa, Andorra og 219 andre


arabisk, dansk, engelsk, estisk, finsk og 23 andre

Videoer og bilder av LiveAgent

LiveAgent-programvare – 1
LiveAgent-programvare – 2
LiveAgent-programvare – 3
LiveAgent-programvare – 4
Se 5 til
LiveAgent-programvare – 1
LiveAgent-programvare – 2
LiveAgent-programvare – 3
LiveAgent-programvare – 4

Funksjoner i LiveAgent

  • Adgangskontroller/-tillatelser
  • Administrasjon av kundestøttesaker
  • Administrasjon av tjenestenivåavtaler (SLA)
  • Agentgrensesnitt
  • Aktivitetsdashbord
  • Aktivitetssporing
  • Analyser
  • Anropslogging
  • Anropsoverføring
  • Anropsovervåking
  • Anropsrapportering
  • Anropsruting
  • Arrangementsutløste handlinger
  • Automatisert deltaker
  • Automatisert respons
  • Automatisert ruting
  • Automatisk samtaledistribusjon
  • Automatiske svar
  • Behandling av negative tilbakemeldinger
  • Brukssporing/-analyse
  • CMDB
  • CRM-modul
  • Catalogue Management Software
  • Chat/meldinger
  • Chatbot
  • Dashbord
  • Datatelefoniintegrasjon
  • Delte innbokser
  • Diskusjoner/forum
  • E-postadministrasjon
  • E-postsporing
  • Ekstern tilgang/kontroll
  • Endringsledelse
  • Engasjementssporing
  • Fildeling
  • Filoverføring
  • Fjernstøtte
  • Flere skript
  • Flerspråklig
  • Forbrukervendt chat i sanntid
  • Fulltekstsøk
  • Geotargeting
  • Hendelseshåndtering
  • IVR programvare
  • Innboksadministrasjon
  • Innholdsstyring
  • Innlegging av telefonnøkkel
  • Innringer-ID
  • Interaksjonssporing
  • Kampanjestyring
  • Klientportal
  • Kommunikasjonsstyring
  • Kontaktadministrasjon
  • Kontoadministrering
  • Kundedatabase
  • Kundedatahåndtering
  • Kundeengasjement
  • Kundehistorikk
  • Kundekommunikasjon
  • Kundeopplevelsesstyring
  • Kundesegmentering
  • Kundestøtte
  • Kunnskapsstyring
  • Kvalitetsstyring
  • Køadministrasjon
  • Live-chat
  • Makroer/malbaserte svar
  • Malledelse
  • Mobiltilgang
  • Multikanals datainnsamling
  • Multikanals kommunikasjon
  • Naturlig språkbehandling
  • Offline-skjema
  • Onboarding
  • Oppdragsstyring
  • Oppgavebehandling
  • Opptak
  • Overføringer/ruting
  • Overvåking av sosiale medier
  • Overvåking i sanntid
  • PBX
  • Persontilpassing
  • Prioritering
  • Proaktiv chat
  • Problemsporing
  • Rapportering og statistikk
  • Rapportering/analyse
  • Rollebaserte tillatelser
  • Samarbeidsverktøy
  • Samtale-scripting
  • Samtaleopptak
  • Sanntidschat
  • Selvbetjeningsportal
  • Skjemaadministrasjon
  • Skjermdeling
  • Softphone
  • Sporing av lagring
  • Stemmetilpasning
  • Styring av arbeidsflyt
  • Styring av kunnskapsbase
  • Søk/filter
  • Talemeldinger
  • Tekst til tale
  • Tekstredigering
  • Telefonsenterstyring
  • Tilbakemeldingsbehandling
  • Tilbakeringingsplanlegging
  • Tilpassede maler
  • Tilpassede rapporter
  • Tilpassede skjemaer
  • Tilpasset merkevarebygging
  • To-veis lyd og video
  • Transkripsjoner/chathistorikk
  • Tredjepartsintegrasjoner
  • Undersøkelser og tilbakemelding
  • Undersøkelses-/meningsmålingsstyring
  • Varsler/eskalering
  • Varsler/meldinger
  • Videochat
  • Videokonferanse
  • Ytelsesstatistikk

Alternativer for LiveAgent

Front er et ledende kundekommunikasjonssenter som kombinerer automatiseringen av saksbehandlingsprogramvare med det personlige preget av e-post.
Tidio er en helpdesk-plattform som lar deg gi utmerket kundestøtte og generere salg med livechat og chatboter.
Freshdesk er en brukervennlig kundeserviceprogramvare som hjelper over 50 000 bedrifter over hele verden med å skape fremragende kundeopplevelser. Lær mer om Freshdesk
Fremskynd oppløsningstidene og automatiser arbeidsflyten med skalerbar programvare for IT- og HR-helpdesk.
Denne programvaren for live chat og hjelpesenter brukes i dag av 30 000 bedrifter. Prøv LiveChat og gjør teamet ditt om til rockestjerner på kundeservice.
Service Cloud 360, en av verdens ledende kundeserviceplattformer, gir bedrifter mulighet til å drive sømløst engasjement for hele kunden. Lær mer om Salesforce Service Cloud
Én app for å administrere alle dine kundeservicekanaler: live chat, e-post, sosiale medier. Gorgias er supporttjenesten som er designet for Shopify.
(Spillifisert support + ressursadministrasjon) - komplikasjoner = Freshservice I tillegg er supporttjenesten også ITIL-klar
Jira Service Management er en ITSM-software som åpner for at team kan levere fantastiske serviceopplevelser raskt og samlet, og i en høy hastighet. Lær mer om JIRA Service Management

Anmeldelser av LiveAgent

Gjennomsnittlig score

Lett å bruke
Verdi for pengene

Anmeldelser etter størrelsen på bedriften (antall ansatte)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Finn anmeldelser etter vurdering

Design Engineering Manager i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Datamaskin, programvare, 1 001–5 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

The easiest to use customer service software

4,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: It helps me organize the movies so that I can give my users a good experience. With this wonderful method, I am able to eliminate the need for assistance and significantly reduce the amount of time I spend responding to support tickets.


Having pre-written answers available has been a huge time-saver. The option to make my own fields for recording certain bits of client data is also quite useful. My help desk has a record of every time I asked for help. It has helped me get back to support tickets much sooner.


The UI is not always clear to me. It took some time for me to adjust to it. There are no other major problems. It took me a while to get everything set up, so there is a small learning curve.

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hey Kelly, Thanks for sharing your experience with LiveAgent, particularly noting the pre-written answers' efficiency. Time-saving features are our thing! :) It's great to hear that LiveAgent is helping you in the computer software industry and fitting well into your infrastructure. We're happy to be part of your team's journey in giving your users a solid experience. Remember, we're always here to help you organize those customer queries, like a well-curated movie collection. Thanks for your time and review! - LiveAgent Team

Store Assistant i Kenya
Mekanisk eller industrielt ingeniørarbeid, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Universal Inbox for Solving Customer Issues

5,0 forrige måned Ny


Real-time chat and omnichannel support are the key advantages of using LiveAgent which enhance customer support leading to customer satisfaction.


Advanced customizations are only available on higher-tier plans. Luckily, I am using premium version, so I no longer face limited customizations.

customer service advisor i Storbritannia
Oversettelse og lokalisering, Selvstendig næringsdrivende
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder


3,0 for 3 måneder siden

Kommentarer: I was trying to resole a issue there is a lot of verification needed an acoount reference shoul be inoof to bring up my details


It was easy to use the system the and get my question across


how long the responce took some times i was waiting a while

Call Centre manager i Sør-Afrika
Fritid, reiseliv og turisme, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Live Agent is practical

5,0 for 3 måneder siden

Kommentarer: From the getgo, it was self explanatory .


Ease of use , control functions and setup .


Not much to say . Perhaps slight delay in logging in

System Engineer i Sør-Afrika
Telekommunikasjon, 501–1 000 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Customer Support & Service Tool of 2024: LiveAgent

5,0 for 3 uker siden Ny


Enhancing customer satisfaction is the main objective of every business. LiveAgent allocates tools such as customer support, live chat, call recording which enables me to offer maximum customer service in one tool.


Never have I had even a glitch while offering customer support with LiveAgent.

Administrative Assistant i Kenya
Vann og strøm, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

My Experience with LiveAgent

5,0 forrige måned Ny


LiveAgent allows me to seamlessly coordinate and communicate with customers via live chats which makes it rapid and super easy to resolve issues.


Ever since I started using LiveAgent, I have never experienced issues on my end even though I am less than 2 years old user.

Svar fra QualityUnit

forrige måned

Hi Marietta, Thank you very much for such kind feedback. We are glad to hear LiveAgent was the right choice for you and that you have been satisfied with its live chat capabilities. Our team is here for you 24/7 in case of any questions or issues! -LiveAgent team

Chief Editor, Head Publications and Communications i Nigeria
Utdanningsadministrasjon, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

LiveAgent in Education Management Sector

5,0 for 2 uker siden Ny


As Chief Editor in Education Management industry, I use LiveAgent to offer customer support via live chat and calls.


I have used LiveAgent for 18 months now and I have not yet come across any defect.

Credit Officer i Kenya
Vann og strøm, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Ticketing System that I Highly Trust

5,0 for 2 måneder siden Ny

Kommentarer: With LiveAgent, I rapidly resolve customer issues which help retain them.


LiveAgent enhance customer service and real-time communications through live chat, call center and ticketing systems.


I am a daily user of LiveAgent and I barely encounter bugs and whenever I face slight issues, the vendor support team takes less than two hours to resolve.

Web Developer and Digital Strategist i Kenya
Mekanisk eller industrielt ingeniørarbeid, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

LiveAgent: Robusta Tool for Customer Support

5,0 forrige måned Ny

Kommentarer: It is seamless to solve customer issues via live chat with LiveAgent.


LiveAgent offers a comprehensive set of features which makes customer support straightforward and easy.


I have used LiveAgent for years now and I lack nothing to dislike since it meets all my needs.

Digital Marketing i USA
Økonomiske tjenester, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 6–12 måneder

easy to use messaging platform

4,0 for 2 uker siden Ny

Kommentarer: it's a useful platform for determining why someone is on a website


easy to reach out to people visiting the website


needed more options to get notifications when not currently online

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 2 uker siden

Hi James, Thank you very much for your review. We're glad to hear you have been satisfied with LiveAgent and its ease of use. Each user has an option to define email notifications when they are not online in the system. Feel free to reach out to our support via chat or email and we'll be happy to hear what additional options you'd like to see in the system - we are here for you 24/7! -LiveAgent team

AI Developer i India
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Datamaskin, programvare, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

Great platform to boost our customer support features.

5,0 for 3 måneder siden


It has multiple features for our online shop such as integration with shopify. It also provides live chat with our customers and ticketing features.


Till now everything is going smoothly with no issues.

Vurderte alternativer: Freshdesk og Zendesk Suite

Grunner til å bytte til LiveAgent: LiveAgent has more features and provides great customer support in this segment.

Manager i USA
Kosmetikk, 2–10 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

Great product for many reasons.

5,0 for 5 måneder siden

Kommentarer: A powerful customer support platform with a plethora of features that cater to the diverse needs of businesses. Its multichannel support, efficient ticket management, customization options, and robust reporting make it a compelling choice for companies seeking a comprehensive support solution.


Allows businesses to manage customer inquiries from various channels such as email, live chat, phone, and social media in one unified platform. This makes it convenient for us!


For small businesses like mine with limited budgets, the higher cost of LiveAgent's subscription plans may be a drawback.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 5 måneder siden

Hi Joey, thanks for your review. It's great to hear that you find LiveAgent's multichannel support convenient. We understand concerns about costs for small businesses. We aim to provide value and are happy to discuss your needs to find the best plan for you. Feel free to reach out anytime. - The LiveAgent Team

Human Resources Manager i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

I think LiveAgent is fantastic software

5,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: Every company needs the ideal thing, which is to treat every email as a ticket. If a client does not respond to my follow-up email within three days (thanks to a rule I set up in Los Angeles), a new ticket is opened and I am prompted to contact them again. Such follow-ups should never be sent from regular email accounts since doing so requires excessive monitoring.


Thanks to LiveAgent, I never have to leave the app to check my Gmail or Yahoo Mail inboxes again. As a marketing professional, I have access to a plethora of email accounts, and I've lost several business opportunities due to my own laziness in checking my inbox. With their "Unlimited Email Accounts" function, LiveAgent scores major points. To make things easier, I included my LA-based email address.


If you use LiveAgent as your email client, you won't notice any "unread" messages when you check your inbox. But that's not a major problem.

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hello Gary! Your mention of the "Unlimited Email Accounts" function being a game-changer clearly echoed with us. Ah, tackling the labyrinth of multiple email accounts can be quite a chore, can't it? :) You're right, the charm of LiveAgent is being a one-stop solution for all communication needs, whether it's social inboxes or live chats. And we can tell you're a power user, setting up a rule to remind you of pending follow-ups. Nifty, isn't it? To comment on your minor hiccup: all incoming messages in LiveAgent are treated as "unread" until specifically handled. We believe every message deserves undivided attention! Keep exploring the tool, Gary. We strive to tick all the boxes for our users. Your feedback helps us refine our software and bridging more gaps in customer service. Thank you for being an awesome part of our journey! - LiveAgent Team

Senior Director Product Marketing i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Sykehus- og helsetjenester, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Excellent Customer Service for the Price

5,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: It was definitely worth the time and effort required to adjust to the new method. Thanks to its structure and features, we were able to reduce a massive message backlog to a much more manageable one.


LiveAgent's strongest feature is undoubtedly the promptness of their technical support. The fact that it may be altered to suit individual needs is another plus. The ease with which our client may get in touch with us is the third best feature. Not only can I use LiveAgent in my own tongue of Spanish, but it also supports a wide variety of other languages, and everything, including emails and templates, can be changed to display in either my native tongue or the language of my consumers. I can locate anything I need with a quick peek at the dashboard.


If I had to choose a nitpick, it would be that I wish there was more color on the interface; on the other hand, why would you want to clutter up such a simple layout with flashy graphics? LiveAgent delivers just as advertised by devoting maximum real estate to its features.

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hey there, It's great to hear that our customizability has been effective for your operations. It's our mission to provide a platform that can be tailored to suit unique business needs. On your point about our simple interface layout, we believe in function over flash to ensure a seamless user experience. We're glad that the transition to using LiveAgent has been beneficial in managing your message backlog. Also, isn't it amazing how variety in language options can open doors to diverse customer bases? Thanks for your kind words about our prompt technical support. We strive to keep this up! - LiveAgent Team

Director of Marketing And Development i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Detaljhandel, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Excellent value for the money

5,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: Keeping track of time and generating reports is the biggest perk. In the past, we were flying blind, but now it only takes a few minutes to identify which divisions are overburdened and straining. Live chat has helped us speed up our responses to consumers.


We find the LiveAgent's ticketing system and knowledge base to be particularly useful due to the high volume of inquiries we receive. Our team members share tickets fairly, and they may communicate with one another to offer quick support. Self-service options are now available, allowing us to give support around the clock.


The Only little issue I've had with LiveAgent is the way it indents replies to emails by using a >. This is something I can live with, and the benefits certainly exceed the drawbacks.

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hey Stely, We appreciate your feedback. It's great to hear how much our ticketing system has positively impacted your workflow, especially with your high volume of inquiries. It's all about helping your team communicate efficiently and providing quick support. Happy to know our self-service options are providing round-the-clock assistance to your business. Thanks for recommending us! -LiveAgent Team

Project Manager i Kenya
Informasjonsteknologi og -tjenester, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Customer Communication Manager of All Times

5,0 for 4 måneder siden

Kommentarer: My experience is decent with LiveAgent - it is the best tool ever for customer engagement.


LiveAgent enhances customer satisfaction through real-life ticket and issue management.


I haven’t explored all the features, but LiveAgent suits all my needs with zero errors along the way.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 4 måneder siden

Hi Lucy, thanks for your great feedback! If you ever want to explore more features or need any assistance, feel free to contact us. - The LiveAgent Team

CEO and Founder i Japan
Personale og rekruttering, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

Transforming visions into reality with live agent.

4,0 for 5 måneder siden

Kommentarer: It is a very satisfying tool,it offers both iOS and Android apps which helps them to provide excellent customer service on the go. It's a nice one.


Their customer service help desk is what I love most. It helps in answering all questions and helping troubleshoot issues. Has incredible features like live chat which enables us to chat with our customers in real time.


Everything has been good,no cons as for now.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 4 måneder siden

Hi Asami, Thank you for your feedback! We're pleased to hear that our help desk and real-time chat features are making a positive impact on your customer service.If you ever have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out :) - The LiveAgent Team

Infrastructure Lead i Jordan
Økonomiske tjenester, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Intelligent assistant to improve response time and distribute service load efficiently

5,0 for 5 måneder siden

Kommentarer: LiveAgent has simplified our customer service system and enabled us to enhance our capabilities to respond more efficiently. It is wonderful that his organizational abilities and records enable us to better investigate all the details, identify areas of deficiency, and work to constantly improve them. It is wonderful that it has enhanced transparency and contributed to enhancing customer confidence in our services.


I appreciate the way LiveAgent's automation simplifies ticket creation for the customer, and its ability to seamlessly route to the appropriate departments quickly to provide the best service. I like the LiveAgent dashboard very much because it is comprehensive and contains all the details and everything related to open tickets and the latest updates to them. It is great that LiveAgent is able to reassure the customer by providing him with a reference number to follow up on the status of the order, which enables him to easily check when needed. I also love LiveAgent's marketing capabilities and its ability to ask questions that attract visitors to our site and connect them directly to the right person to answer their questions. The reports provided by LiveAgent are comprehensive and always help us to make improvements that contribute to attracting new customers more efficiently.


There are no negatives with LiveAgent, all services are excellent, but I believe that updating the notifications to include the importance of the ticket will enhance our ability to provide the appropriate response.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 5 måneder siden

Hi Osema, Thank you for your positive review! It's great to hear that LiveAgent is benefiting your team. We also appreciate your feedback on enhancing notifications. We'll consider this for future updates to improve your experience further. Feel free to reach out anytime. - The LiveAgent Team

Product Manager i India
Bilindustri, 201–500 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Liveagent provide the real-time solution to all the customer support related issues

4,0 for 4 måneder siden

Kommentarer: As it handles a lot of enquiries and customer tickets just in a single platform which saves us a good amount of time and manpower effort also the automated responses are much more productive and help our customers to get the support they are looking for.


The most interesting part of using Liveagent is that they provide a ticket-raising option for their users so that their problems can be addressed individually also it helped us connecting our social media platforms with this platform and now we can cater to all of our customers reaching us from multiple social plaforms.


Liveagent gave us a great experience but it did not give the best analytics of data which it should have given after a huge customer interaction. The informatis are limited and not enough to understand the improvements that are needed for a better customer experience.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 4 måneder siden

Hi Anisha, thank you for your review! It's great that the implementation process was smooth for you. If you ever need any assistance, feel free to reach out to us 24/7. - The LiveAgent Team

Verifisert anmelder
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Grafisk design, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

Enquiry Assistance Software

5,0 for 3 måneder siden

Kommentarer: LiveAgent is a mobile website to serve one's online enquires


LiveAgent give me access to attend to unlimited clients online solving their problems


I like everything about LiveAgent and due to that, I don't have any negative word against it

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 3 måneder siden

Hey there! Thank you for your review :) If you ever have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team. We're here 24/7 to help. - The LiveAgent Team

Licensed Sales Agent i USA
Forsikring, 10 000+ ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

You Need This To See What Your Website Visitors Are Looking For!

5,0 for 7 måneder siden

Kommentarer: My experience with LiveAgent has been refreshing. It super simplifies the communication process with both existing customers and prospects.


Pro Tip: Get LiveAgent and you'll instantly have a crystal ball allowing you to view your customer's online habits, what they are looking for the most, etc....


Absolutely nothing! This is a direct connection to every insurance seeker who comes to my website looking for a quote or some guidance on insurance coverages.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 7 måneder siden

Hey Nathalie, thanks for your positive feedback! We're glad to hear that LiveAgent has made it easier for you to connect with your customers :) If you ever have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. We're here 24/7 to help! - The LiveAgent Team

Self-employed i Jordan
Kapitalmarkeder, Selvstendig næringsdrivende
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

Good lovely

5,0 for 6 måneder siden


LiveAgent is known for its comprehensive and intuitive features that enhance customer support. Some of the key highlights include its multi-channel support, ticket management, live chat, and automation capabilities. These features enable businesses to streamline their customer service processes and provide efficient and effective support to their customers


LiveAgent can be a bit steep, especially for users who are not familiar with customer support software. Additionally, some users have expressed the need for more advanced reporting and analytics features within the platform. It's important to note that these opinions may vary depending on individual preferences and requirements.

Svar fra QualityUnit

for 6 måneder siden

Thank you, Zain, for your detailed review. We're glad you find LiveAgent's multi-channel support and automation features useful. We understand that it can take some time for new users to get familiar with the platform. If you need help with advanced reporting and analytics, please reach out to our support team available 24/7. - The LiveAgent Team

Writer i Zambia
Tekst og redigering, Selvstendig næringsdrivende
Har brukt programvaren i: 1–5 måneder

My LiveAgent Experience

4,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: My experience with LiveAgent has been terrific as it is well packaged even for my small business. It makes me work well with prompt and efficient support to my customers


It is a straightforward software which is easy to navigate and it is very useful in realtime communication making everyday work simple


The only downside I discovered is that integrating it with other third party tools can be a bit on the higher side

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hi Medan, Thank you very much for your review. We are glad to hear that LiveAgent has been the right choice for you and that you have been satisfied with the features and benefits it brings to your everyday work life. Remember, our team is here for you 24/7 in case of any questions or issues! -LiveAgent team

Office Administrative i USA
Verifisert LinkedIn-bruker
Maskineri, 11–50 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Men enn 1 år

Efficient and Organized Communication

5,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: LiveAgent allows you to centralize communication, improve efficiency and provide a clear view of team performance.


The ticketing functionality is probably my favorite: it allows me to track and respond to all customer and colleague inquiries in one place. The live chat and integrated telephony options have greatly improved our responsiveness. I love how I can assign and categorize tickets, which makes it easy to prioritize tasks. In addition, the analytics dashboard gives me a clear view of team productivity and helps me identify areas for improvement.


While LiveAgent is a great tool, some of the analytics reports are complicated to understand and could be simplified for easier interpretation and use.

Svar fra QualityUnit

i fjor

Hello Sophie, Thank you for your awesome 5-star review! You've captured the spirit behind our ticketing functionality splendidly! Keeping communication organized and easily manageable is high on our list. - LiveAgent Team

Head of Contact Center Operations i USA
Økonomiske tjenester, 51–200 ansatte
Har brukt programvaren i: Mer enn 2 år

LiveAgent Daily User

5,0 i fjor

Kommentarer: Send chat invites, record calls and support customer via live chats.


Being able to communicate with our customers and prospects online help save time and improve productivity.LiveAgent help log, monitor and record record calls.


I can’t complain since our in-house tech team and vendor success team help eradicate issues as soon as they arise.

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Hi Edwin, Thank you very much for your kind review. We are glad to hear that you have been satisfied with LiveAgent and that it has been beneficial in your everyday customer care. Our team is here for you 24/7 in case of any questions or issues! -LiveAgent team